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Old Bull Health Survey 23

Old Bull Health Survey 23

Old Bull Health 2023 annual health survey is here. We have shared some stats on our socials but here is the full set and who participated.


The Old Bull Health 2023 Annual Health Survey, focused on Australian males, and reveals insights into their health priorities, behaviours, and perceptions.

The survey, participants mainly from capital cities, showed that 55% prioritize their health in some way, with 40% doing so occasionally and 5% not at all.

Health priorities included regular exercise, eating a balanced diet, sleep, supplement use, and cognition maintenance, with muscle maintenance, stress management, testosterone levels, anxiety management, and cognitive health being key areas to manage.

Body shape perceptions were perceived best by colleagues, and least by beachgoers, indicating a disparity between public and private self-image.

Despite being health aware, 75% responded reactively to health issues, and only 25% took proactive measures.

Supplement use was high, with only two participants abstaining due to dietary balance, and cost. Opinions on supplement effectiveness were however split.

68% ackowledged knowing what negatively impacted their health. However, barriers like resistance to change, cost, misinformation, and laziness hindered proactive health management.

37% of participants were obese with a BMI average of 29.56, and 71% have a waist-to-height ratio indicating a higher risk of heart disease.

The average height and weight of the participants are 181.95 cm and 97.91 kg, respectively. In terms of detailed participant data: 10% were males 40-49 YO, 66% were males 50-59 YO, 20% were males 60-69 YO. Total of 61 Australian males, and 67% lived in capital city, with 23% in smaller towns and cities.

This is a new and simple survey; we hope to continue to grow respondents in the new year. To those who participated, thank you.

Key points and take aways.

  1. Middle aged men are well aware of the importance of health.
  2. They know what should be prioritised when it comes to health.
  3. Many feel they will take action when something is wrong.
  4. Most know, or use supplements, protein, vitamins and minerals.
  5. Some just couldn't be bothered to do anything, until something goes wrong.

The questions and answers. Some have been summarised for simplicity's sake.

1. Have you made your health a priority?

 Yes 55%
Sometimes 40%
No   5%


2. Health activities by men and their priority

The top 5 highest priority health related actions and priority areas as indicated by respondents. (Scores indexed to show relative strength and priority.

1. Exercising regularly 100
2. Eating a balanced diet   92
3. Sleep   90
4. Using supplements   81
5. Cognition maintenance   79


The top 5 key concerns of respondents (Scores indexed to show relative strength to highest scoring health priority being Exercising Regularly)

1. Muscle maintenance  96
2. Stress management  85
3. Boosting testosterone  78
4. Anxiety management  76
5.Cognitive decline, brain health  60


3. Why we don't make health a priority.

Men's attitude to Health

4. Body shape perceptions. 

Survey participants were asked how they perceive their own body shapes, and also how others may perceive their body shapes. Again, these are all indexed against the highest score to give a comparative.

Work colleagues' perception 100
My partner   98
Myself   92
My doctor   92
Fellow beachgoers   82


So, people you work with, mostly unlikely to have seen you without your shirt on have the highest perception of your body shape.

5. What would make your health a priority?

 Not much really.

75% of the reasons such as a health scare were reactive. 25% were proactive based on age or self-direction.

6. Use of protein powder, vitamins or mineral supplements?

Supplements used

7. Reasons supplements were not used.

Only 2 participants said they didn't use supplements. 1 said they ate a balanced diet. The other said they were too expensive.

8. Do Supplements work for you?

 Yes 46%
Sometimes, and not always sure 45%


When asked if we know what impacts our health negatively, 68% said "yes".

9. Reasons we don't take action from respondents.

  • Don't like change.
  • Cost
  • We have been mislead by big Pharma.
  • We don't know what we need.
  • Too busy, or too lazy.
  • Laziness, complacency.
  • Lazy and bad habits.

10. Participant submitted data characteristics.

  • 37% were obese according to their BMI. Average was 29.56
  • 71% had a waist to height ratio putting them at greater risk of heart disease.
  • Average height 181.95cm and average weight was 97.91 KG.

Always remember the saying, "Prevention is better than Cure".

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