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What Old Bulls really want?

The Forty Plus Old Bull Health Survey

The initial "What men want?" Old Bull Survey

This was a bit of fun amongst an initial focus group to see how men viewed supplements, which they used, their health and some other rare insights into what middle aged males really want. If you are not male and over forty or are easily offended or don't have a healthy sense of humour please follow this link immediately.

If you meet the above criteria, please read on for some secret men's business.


Who did we talk to?:

Male Survey
Fitness breadkdown
Age Breakdown

Q1. What are the most common issues facing males over 40 in Australia?

Issues facing 40+ males in Australia


  • We thought prostrate would be higher but came in around 11%
  • Weight management and fitness won the day with 51%, closely followed by not enough sexy time at 15%. Who knew?
  • Nobody was fussed about protein or skincare.


Q2. As an aging male, where do you mainly get information on health matters?

  1. My doctor
  2. Google
  3. Ask a mate
  4. Other health professional
  5. Wife

Google and ask my doctor were 62% of responses. Almost no one asks the kids or goes to their friendly pharmacy.


Q3. What supplements do you use on average? In order of preference:

  1. Protein
  2. Magnesium
  3. CoQ10
  4. Vitamin D
  5. Vitamin C, fish oil, greens


Q4. What is you main motivation for exercise?

Reasons for Exercise

A close finish here with the sensible "I want to avoid health issues later in life" winning at 37% of responses, following by a tie between "I want to live longer" and "I want to feel like a sex machine again". We totally get you on both of these. Again, very sensible options. Nobody wanted to "make new friends" or listened to their partner bitching about it, not totally unexpected.


Q5. Do you know the difference between why protein concentrate and whey protein isolate?

Difference whey concentrate and isolate

Q6. Do you find the amount of protein required in your diet confusing?

Protein amount in diet

Q7. How do you like your protein?

  1. Smoothie 50%
  2. Shaker 27%
  3. Snorted 10%
  4. With alcohol 10%
  5. Mixed with food 4%

Not sure what to think about answer 3 and 4 but we are an equal opportunity surveyor.



So there you have it. Clear findings from the survey we could actually publish were:

  • Definitely only male respondents, relatively fit and all over 40 years old
  • The big issues were weight loss and not enough sexy time
  • Self treatment using Dr. Google is rife
  • If they did use a supplement it was protein and magnesium
  • 63%+ are: keeping fit to live longer, and avoid health issues later in life
  • 80%+ know very little about protein
  • Nearly 70% have no idea how much protein they need!

If you would like to be included in our next survey, drop us an email with the title SURVEY and we will be sure to send out a link next time. We guarantee a laugh, some learnings and most likely nothing you can rely on statistically.


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