As you age, there is an associated progressive loss of muscle mass also known as Sarcopenia which can make you progressively smaller and increase the risks of injury and disability.

Age, alterations in our muscle's anabolic response to nutrition, and a decline in protein intake all contribute.
The good news is, that older muscle can still respond to amino acids, more specifically leucine which helps overcome age-related protein resistance.
So, if you are an aging male as I am, keep in mind the Dolly Parton song Jolene. Remember that one, now replace "Jolene" with "Leucine", now it's stuck in your head.
As with all of us, the mission is to stay strong and capable, and guess what? Leucine is a great supporter of that mission. Just keep singing that song in your head.

As a sprightly fifty-something, I don't want to age, don't want to deteriorate, and have this potentially misguided view that I can stay strong, retain muscle mass, and keep up with the youngsters.
My athletic efforts against younger athletes constantly prove this wrong, not to mention the impact a couple of drinks can have. Trying to retain and even sometimes regain my youth. Easier said than done. But never give up.
One thing I do try and do is "hack" muscle and muscle protein recovery.
Five muscle facts to know.
- I know as I age, I'm prone to reduced muscle mass.
- I know that my protein intake needs to increase to balance this.
- I know that protein absorption can be affected by a number of things.
- I know that protein powder can maximise absorption outside mealtimes.
- I know that after exercise, my muscles need protein.
So, ensuring I get enough protein firstly, and secondly that I get protein with an amino acid profile optimised for the aging male, i.e. high in leucine is important. Read the Protein Guide here.
Why believe me?
- Studies show protein uptake decreases in frail elders, and that healthy older (55 +) adults may need more protein than is recommended. (Morley JE. Anorexia of aging: Physiologic and pathologic).
- Additional protein helps create a positive nitrogen balance, alongside muscle maintenance. In a study of 12 men and women aged 56-80 years old, they randomly consumed .8 g or 1.62 g protein per kg body weight. Net nitrogen balance was negative for lower intake and positive for higher intake. Negative nitrogen balance suggests a loss of nitrogen, associated with a loss of muscle protein, and associated loss of muscle. (Campbell WW, Crim MC, Dallal GE, Young VR, Evans WJ. Increased protein requirements in elderly people: new data and retrospective reassessments)
- A good supply of amino acids (protein) improves the metabolic effect of exercise on muscle protein. (Biolo G, Tipton KD, Klein S, Wolfe RR. An abundant supply of amino acids enhances the metabolic effect of exercise on muscle protein.)
- Absorption of protein or amino acids requires passing through the Splanchnic tissues, which is proven that first pass extraction of leucine increases with age, meaning these splanchnic tissues utilised more amino acids in the elderly, and the availability thus to peripheral muscle would be reduced. (Young VR. Amino acids and proteins in relation to the nutrition of elderly people. Age Ageing.)

So, there are a lot of research studies, and heavy reading that you can spend your time going through, or read my perspective below, which is:
- Your body needs protein - tick
- Your muscles deteriorate as you age - understand
- Competition for protein absorption increases as you age - understand
- Protein as a supplement rather than a meal to maximise absorption - tick
- I want to live longer and retain some muscle mass to enjoy life - Absolutely
Thus, Old Bull Health, and a protein we could use.
We use it because we don't want to lose it!