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Know where to Start?

Know where to Start?

Do you know where-to-start or how to upgrade your exercise and life-energising regime? For some, this can be overwhelming.

The when-to-start is up to you. The where-to-start from scratch or improve what you are already doing should be driven by where you are right now with respect to exercise, and life goals/ plans.

Just jumping in, can end in failure or poor results.

Where to start.

Read the following equations carefully, then understand how and when they apply to you:

1. Starting with nutrition:

Eat well + 
Exercise & move +
Recover & rejuvenate +
Adapt & improve = 

Sustainable and Repeatable Cycle.


2. Starting with exercise:

Exercise & move +
Eat well +
Recover & rejuvenate +
Adapt & improve =

Sustainable Repeatable Cycle.


3. Starting with recovery:

Recover & rejuvenate +
Eat well + 
Exercise & move +
Adapt & improve =

Sustainable Repeatable Cycle.

Make sense? Yes, they look the same, just the order is different. Next question is why and should I care?

There is enough empirical and academic evidence to support each part of the above equations. So far so good.

It's where-you-start that is important for sustainability.

Where-you-start should depend on both your current physical, and mental condition. Ultimately the sustainability and longevity of your new plan will be the driver of your where-to-start. Understand each equation a little more below.

Starting with Nutrition - #1.

Added a few kilograms and want to shed them? 

Want a faster more optimally fuelled you. We know changes in nutritional intake determine the energy, recovery, growth, joint health, and of course body fat %.

We also know that when we move, the body is skeleton + joints supported by tendons, ligaments and muscle. Excessive weight and even muscular imbalance can create small stresses in the ankles, hips, knees, and shoulders, which can accumulate to chromic loads of discomfort, and in the worst case a minor to more serious injury, which will take you back to the start and cost in inconvenience, missed goals, doctors and physios.

Grene juice

So, shifting your mindset to good nutritional choices as a priority will strengthen your physiology, and support the economy of movement with weight reduction as you add in more movement. 

Starting with exercise - #2.

If you are already comfortable or frequent with your activity, and you're looking to generate additional energy, reduce body weight, resume sport, or do more activity or just increase muscle mass, then you are going to fit better into equation 2.

Man walking down road

Tailor your physical program to be fit for purpose with respect to your goals or what you want to achieve, and then add better nutrition for growth, endurance, or power activities.

To move well; you need to eat well.

Your intensity, frequency, and volume may be anywhere from beginner to advanced, so recovery is then important to allow your body to recover before you go again. This ensures you can repeat your efforts.

Starting with recovery - #3.

Much of the population and far too often older men are in this bracket. You've maybe been sedentary, uncomfortable in your own skin, and using more brain than body.

That’s ok. That’s manageable. You just need to find the right mindset.

If you try to exercise, eat well, recover, and go again too soon, you’re going to find yourself burning the candle at both ends. You can’t shift everything immediately into a sustainable process and one that builds longevity. So, start with refreshing and rejuvenating your mind as a priority.

Disaster recovery plan


Read, learn, get inspired. Declutter, unpack yourself a bit, identify barriers, and start with finding some space.

Move potential energy (Still) into kinetic energy (Moving). This is achievable through many small actions driven by chemical (Foods) into mechanical (Body Movements).

A simple place to start is by increasing water intake during the day, getting into good sleep habits, a healthy work-life balance, and then overlaying all that with good nutrition choices.

The bad will see itself out!

Build this cycle for 4 to 6 weeks. You will feel better, lighter through the body, have more energy, feel healthier, and more rested. Start to move in manageable amounts.

After around 6 weeks, build your deliberate, and more dedicated exercise movement program.

You are then well on your way.

There are 3 options where you can start your change. You just need to decide where.



Written by Donny Singe, Performance Coach. You can find out more or get in touch with Donny on his website


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