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Old Bull 2023 Survey = Your help is needed?

Old Bull 2023 Survey = Your help is needed?

Please help us. Share your wisdom. Help others.

Men's health can be a tough one. We are better trying to understand the drivers of change, why action is, or is not taken, and what actions are taken when, when it comes to a man's health.

Please help us. Results will be shared to our email subscription list and on this blog. (Survey is anonymous and a separate website)

They survey will stay open for 2 weeks and we hope to get 1,000+ participants.

It takes around 3-4 mins to complete and is mostly multiple choice. It is also completely anonymous. No email or login required, but you can only complete it once.

Please do the Old Bull survey here on Survey Planet or click on the image below.

Have your say.


There is more information than ever online, Apps, personal trainers, gyms, pools, groups that walk, Facebook pages, blogs, you name it, and yet we are overweight, and often tend to ignore our own health unless there is a wake-up call.

If you look at the number of wellness powders and formulas around targeting women, you could argue women are much better at health than men.

Some of the survey is to help us understand attitudes to supplements, but a lot of it is also to help guide us with respect to podcast topics, and social and website content, not to mention potential new offerings for men, as well as to help and support men on their respective health journeys as they get older.

We also thought it might be fun, and that you would be interested in the results and feedback and any motivation that that may provide.

Why not?

So please help us understand your thoughts, or your views on your partners thoughts, or just to get a conversation going.

Thank you in advance.


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