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Protein Profile - Amino Acids

Do you know what and how much of each amino acids is in your protein powder, or you daily diet and should you care?

We think you should, which is why we sell Protein powder. Researching is one thing, finding a consistent story to another.

In many cases an amino acid plays a role in the production of another substance the body needs for example collagen which then benefits the skin and so on. In certain cases the amino acid is there to help produce another amino acid, and in most cases they either help, support or are involved in doing something which is obviously for the body.

Broadly, of the 20 amino acids:

  • 18 support or help the production of something else
  • 10 support or help muscle growth, recovery or joint health in some way
  • 4 support or help skin, hair & nails
  • Other areas include energy, mood, immunity, hormone & enzymes, sex, pain or anti-oxidants

Given the size and nature of this topic we decided you didn’t need to know the exact formula’s, structures and interactions of each amino acid in detail, but rather an old bull view of what they primarily influence.

This also doesn’t mean you should rush out and buy a particular one and start taking it. Many who eat a nutritionally balanced diet and are conscious of protein intake requirements will already be getting sufficient amino acids in their diet. 

Getting this into a simple table around outcomes or combinations of outcomes is challenging, so the table below is a broad guideline for interest purposes only. 

Table of Amino Acids

Amin Acid Table and Benefits

In many cases experts disagree and in others while there are believed to be claims, no conclusive evidence exists. 

Protein profiles

When buying a protein supplement or powder you should be looking at the fine print, at the amino acid profile printed on the container. Do this to ensure a best fit for you.

We reviewed numerous proteins, then selected and did a detailed review of 15 proteins and then narrowed that down to our Old Bull protein based on the amino acid profile. Ranges of amino acids varied significantly in the proteins reviewed. One of the key drivers for us was leucine levels to support muscle gain and retention in old bull bodies.

Learn more

Old Bull protein powder contains all the essential and non-essential amino acids with a focus on leucine for muscles in old bulls. Find out more about the benefits of protein and how much protein you should be taking.

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Orders - 1st week of Jan 2023

Please note: Distribution is closed until the 9th Jan after a busy December. You can still order our great propducts but they will only be shipped the week of the 9th Jan. Appologies for any inconvenience. Happy New Year!

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