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Saliva Based Testosterone Testing Kits

Saliva based testosterone test kits are a convenient way to check your testosterone levels from the comfort of your own home

The Saliva Testosterone Test

ARTG registered and can test the biologically active or "free" testosterone in your saliva.

Order online and receive the complete test kit via mail to your home.

Best results are obtained in the morning, so before you brush teeth or drink coffee, get some saliva into the tube provided and then put it into the satchel provided and mail it back for testing in the lab. 

Within 5 working days you will receive an email with a secure PDF of your results attached. If there are any anomalies meaning additional testing is required, this can take a further 2 days.


  • Allows you to benchmark your saliva for average age and gender.
  • Creates a benchmark for you to measure against in the future.
  • Measured in pmo/l (picomoles/litre) and converts to ng/l at 445.
  • Test kit is valid for 24 months from date or purchase.
  • Get access to Tracker T app free to record past results.
  • ARTG ID 325206 - Medical Device Class 1


Find out more about testosterone here. Read about low testosterone and what is considered normal testosterone. If you are concerned, check out our low testosterone symptoms page and if you are unconvinced read about the benefits of testosterone for men. 

Testosterone is important for men, their well-being and overall health.


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Please note: Distribution is closed until the 9th Jan after a busy December. You can still order our great propducts but they will only be shipped the week of the 9th Jan. Appologies for any inconvenience. Happy New Year!

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