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PART I - As they say in the the UFC. Are you READY?

PART I - As they say in the the UFC. Are you READY?

Mindset matters with Don Singe - Performance Coach. Part I.

The year is nearly done, and you know it. Summer is coming, Christmas is coming, and holidays are around the corner. Are you ready?

The beach or resort pool, the kids, the family meals, Christmas Day, gifts, they are all just around the corner. Are you ready?

Be warned! Time to take action. But not as you know it.

Right now, at some stage, you do know this will involve a public display of your physical self, and possibly demonstrations of your behaviours and habits.

Which version of you will show up?

Do you want the best version of yourself on display? Do you want a strong and capable body, and a happy balanced mindset, even if just to show that ex-mother-in-law you were actually the best thing that ever happened to her daughter.  

OK, so you are getting ready. You have taken, or are about to: 

  • Join a gym.
  • Book a personal trainer.
  • Buy an online exercise plan.
  • Find some local group training.
  • Download the latest fitness app,
  • Buy some supplements.
  • Buy new runners and gear.

And you've put the word out. There is a new "me" in town. The new me is starting Monday, Wednesday, next weekend. Well, just keep watching this space.  

Legend alertExactly


So. Are you ready?

And then of course, some key questions and doubts may follow:

  1. Where do I start?
  2. How do I not stop?
  3. How do I keep my gains?

    How many times have you done this before? Aside from the fact that you might not have a solid plan, what else is missing? Why is this time different? (This applies to most of the things we take on in life).

    What's more important than a plan, new equipment, and memberships, is this small but huge thing called mindset.

    Mindset matters. What's yours?

    Mindset is a set of beliefs that shape how you make sense of the world, and yourself. Mindsets influence how you feel and behave in daily situations. 

    What you believe about yourself, impacts your success or failure!

    Mindset by design can navigate you to success by placing all the above in their rightful place, and correct headspace. Read that again.

    Per Stanford research, shifting your mindset can improve your health, decrease stress and help you overcome challenges. Research has shown that mindset plays a big role in determining life's outcomes for the better. Find that research here. In summary:

    1. Mindsets help you simplify (Assumptions distil complex world views into digestible information.)
    2. Growth mindsets affect your worldview (Fixed v growth mindset. Fixed = less open to mistakes, beliefs become reality.)
    3. Mindsets can impact your reality. (Determine outcomes as way you think, feel and act determines your responses to situations.) 
    4. Yes, you can change your mindset.

    Without a grit and disciplined mindset when it comes to your health and vitality, you are basically just shopping.

    Mindsets affect the way we think about everything.

    By changing your mindset, you are believing that your characteristics are not predetermined. Questioning self-defeating thoughts and creating new narratives are key. You can do this. But only if you recognise the need to, and are ready!

    Mindset types.

    Consider how you process the world around you and your current mindset.

    Do you?

    A. Cling to History? Do you subconsciously believe the best version of yourself has already happened? 

    As a result, are you may be reluctant to accept new ideas, and change, and are you clinging to an old mindset and version of yourself while the world around you continues to change at an accelerating pace? Are you being left behind?

    Maybe you just don't like what you're seeing around you, or who you are becoming as a result. Sometimes old habits just die hard.

    Being here can be comfortable, it is after all what you know.

    You may not want to move away from who you are. From the comfort and security. But you may be uncomfortable with change.

    B. Living in the Present? You don’t sit in the past or the future, there may be scary things back there, and the future is a black hole and too hard to process. Life is short, just have fun. You just live in the present. Happy days.

    You may live day by day, with your mindset being driven by each particular day, your surroundings, friends, and even your environment. No need to make changes or drive big decisions. Why would you? Smaller daily challenges can be embraced, ignored, or just wait, with instant gratification a click or a short walk away.

    Being here is easy.

    C. Constantly looking to the future. Thinking about what you may want and need, who you want to be, how you want to feel, and where you need to be. Letting this clarity drive your actions, experiences, learning and attitude.

    Modifying and adapting positive behaviours and habits, wanting to constantly learn, generating internal energy and motivation to "Boldly go where you have not been before" (I stole that one from Gene).

    Old Bull health Shop - Supplements


    Reflect on this.

    Find a quiet space, sit, go for a walk without your air Pods, and just reflect on the above, and your mindset in general. Where do you sit and why do you believe you sit there?

    Are you a positive or a negative person? Is "growth" important for you? Do you believe you are on the right path? What narratives do you constantly tell yourself about who you are, and the future?

    If you do this, you are getting closer to starting a mindset journey. A journey you can direct, navigate, prepare, and deliver to yourself.

    Next week.

    Over the next couple of weeks, I will pick apart the components of what a change and growth mindset is. For now, consider your mindset through the above 3 lenses.

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    Written by Donny Singe, Performance Coach. You can find out more or get in touch with Donny on his website

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