
Deliveries to SE QLD and NE NSW will experience delays due to TC Alfred | SAVE 5% - BUY 2+ products | SAVE 7.5% ongoing - Subscribe on any purchase

Bundles and singles side-by-side comparisons


(Save 12.5%)

(Save 14.5%)

(Save 10%)
 Old Bull Green T Bundle Old Bull Big Kahuna Bundle Fitter Stronger
$166.99 $214.99 $120.00
$108 (Subscription)
60 days 60 days 30 days
Save 12.5% Save 14.5% Save 10%
Free delivery Free delivery Free delivery

$2,77 per day
(2 products)

$3.58 per day
(2 products)
$3.60 per day (Subscription - 2 products)
2 packs T&I Formula
2 packs Greens Powder
2 packs T&I Formula
2 packs S&C Formula

1 pack T&I Formula
1 pack Protein

Body and Gut self-care Body and Brain self-care Body self-care
Mix water, milk, protein, smoothie or sprinkle over cereal. Can be mixed, but ideally take S&C Formula separately with 150-250ml water. Mix water, milk, protein, smoothie or sprinkle over cereal.

T&I Formula - Testosterone & Immunity Formula
S&C Formula - Stress & Cognition formula



You can subscribe to our single packs to get them delivered conveniently to your door every month and get an email reminder that you are about to receive and pay, giving you the flexibility of managing the timing of delivery.

Save 10% on all subscriptions and you can cancel or pause at any time.

For example:

Stress & Cognition Formula + Old Bull Greens Powder + Testosterone + Immunity Formula = $159.97

+$9,95 (delivery) = $169.92
If you subscribe you save $15.99

Subscription price would be $153.93 or $5.31 per day including delivery, delivered monthly.



These can be the same or different products. A 10% discount is applied when you buy more than any 2 products, but you may pay delivery, depending on the product.

For example:

Testosterone & Immunity formula   +Stress & cognition powder= $119.98

+ $9.95 (delivery) = $129.93
Save 10% for buying 2+ products, you save $11.99. 

The price, you pay for 1-off purchase of 2+ products would be $117.94 or $3.93 per day.
(Compared to the Big Kahuna Bundle above at $3.58 per day, an additional saving of 10%)


Hope that helps explain why we have put these options and offers together and the savings. 

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Orders - 1st week of Jan 2023

Please note: Distribution is closed until the 9th Jan after a busy December. You can still order our great propducts but they will only be shipped the week of the 9th Jan. Appologies for any inconvenience. Happy New Year!

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