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mental and physical health

Movement + a Mate = 3

When you combine mental space with movement, the body and mind together, can move you to a great third space.

Just add some company and multiply results.

My Story.

Seven weeks ago, I attended a function and re-connected with a friend who had played footy, as one of my players in the past. We started talking.

He was in a space where he wanted to improve his own self-care, mobility, and daily routine. Personally, I was in a place where the cold weather had beaten my desire for early morning walks to a pulp.

We agreed intervention was required and supporting each other was necessary to beat these two little “mental demons”. We also talked about how this thinking, and decline in action had slowly crept in the door, but also

making us think a little “less” of ourselves.

So, it was done. We agreed 5:45 am, and we would meet 3-4 days a week. Originally this started in beanies and jackets, then in t-shirts, and now back to beanies. I beat the cold weather mindset because he made me accountable. I made the effort because he knows I appreciate his time and company.

We laugh, travel back in time, and unpack small. sometimes common concerns, while walking. We do this by simply listening and talking. No advice is required, or offered for that fact, but great stories are told to ponder upon and absorb.

So quite simply, we walk, talk, and grab a coffee.

Find a mate. 2 or 4 legs will do.

It started by just being good company and has evolved into collaborating on how to have our best days. We have no agenda so talking is optional. We walk for around 45 - 60 minutes each time we meet, and there is no pressure. If one of us can't make it for whatever reason, no problem. If one of us wants to be quiet, no problem, and so on.

We just: 

  1. Started walking.
  2. Started talking.
  3. Started a routine.

Benefits, no cliches.

  • Mentally refreshing shared stories present different perspectives that bring life back to reality, often our perception of things can get distorted.

Sometimes you can't see the wood for the trees.

  • Joint mobility, range of motion, and general cardiovascular fitness has improved, which means we are increasing both our personal, and physical capacity and burning off some extra calories before we start the day.
  • Start the day prepared, with the best mindset.

Don't go out too hard.

So again, don’t get all GUNG HO, Goggins on yourself. I do love Goggins! (David Goggins is the only member of the US armed forces to complete SEAL training).

Set attainable targets (if you are going from doing nothing, then everything is a progression)

Find a Mate or Be a Mate!

My "I am" affirmations.

  • I am INCREASING my CAPACITY for physical and mental work.
  • I am INCREASING my CAPABILITIES in homelife presence, work ethic, and exercise and movement load.
  • I am INCREASING my COMPETENCY with respect to planning, action, execution, and detail as to what is important.
  • I am INCREASING my CONFIDENCE in who I am, and what I am.

Other areas include my discipline and in effect my self-determination. I now appreciate routine in my day, and how it has helped me “set up” my day. I'm no longer un showered and in my pyjama shorts at 10am.

It helps my feeling of “doing good deeds for myself” which helps me deliver on work and commitments, helps my sense of achievement and camaraderie, and cleans out those small anxieties and insecurities that can accumulate over time. My daily water intake has improved, my food choices are better, as well as my mood, and my future vision of myself. It works for me.


How do I feel?

  • Progressive, in-control and healthier.

How do my family feel?

I don’t know. I should check-in.

I do however feel positive things from them, and I can't help thinking. Is that a reciprocal response to how I am feeling and behaving, and also how this projects on them?

And that's my story.

Social connections are key, especially for us men. As we age get older, the world can get smaller.

My mental health has significantly improved and been better balanced by physical activity. I recommend giving it a try.


  • Do this with someone who lives close by, or friction from the tyranny of distance will prevail.
  • You should want to get up and meet. Try find that person.
  • Keep each other accountable but without the pressure.
  • Ideally, keep it early, before you start the day.

Let me know how you go. 

Written by Donny Singe, Performance Coach. You can find out more or get in touch with Donny on his website

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