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Weight. A key health investment strategy.

Men have a lot of stuff on their plate demanding capability, drive, enthusiasm, competency, understanding, love, mentoring, fathering and doing everything in our power to deliver for and make as our families feel safe. Not to mention staying relevant in our respective communities. In my view, men are amazing. 

How do I know all this you may wonder? Well, I'm a dad, and I coach and have coached many men over the last 32 years, many of whom had families. So yeah.

There is however one thing that always gets away from us.


What do I mean by that?

Well, I'm talking about personal satisfaction with anatomy and mental health.

Do you feel like you prioritise those above all else? Are you in the shape you hoped you would be at your current age? Well, you can't do all the things I mentioned men do above if you are sick in bed, immobile or even worse dead!

We often let our general fitness, health and weight go at our own expense, to look after others, not making a big deal of it.

So how are you investing in the one and only place you can live? Your body?

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What is controllable?

Our personal physicality is. You read that right.

Think healthy body weight. Start there.

Our body weight not only determines our physical appearance, movement range and capability, but can also be a key indicator of how healthy we are. Think healthy biology and physiology, healthy endocrine system and healthy cellular activity.

Many health conditions affecting men can manifest in our physical appearance and capability. Some are more obvious than others.

Add in aging, and this has the ingredients of a bad news day post!

But it's not. Trust me.

We, you, me as humans have the great gift of foresight, which can drive choice.

Your choices can lead to a healthy and sustainable weight. But you need to be clear on how important a healthy weight is, especially as we age.

Not only weight, but also the impact of the poor food choices on other parts of the body. Buckle up to better choices or accept the consequences. While poor food choices might be easy and satisfy a craving, poor health is never convenient.

A healthy body weight can reduce the risk of chronic heart and organ disease, diabetes and hypertension (both stress and physical). Chuck in cholesterol levels and blood sugar balance. It also supports healthy joints, range of movement and mobility.

Why are you still thinking about this?

Healthy body weight can develop or rekindle joint mobility and range of movement which reduces strains on the skeleton and muscular structure, freer movement, and less risk of physical soft tissue injury, so sustainability when re-engaging exercise habits.

Don't forget sleep quality. Sleep apnoea is a common condition associated with poor weight management leading to fatigue, poor sleep patterns and probably a spare bed set up somewhere other than in your bedroom!

Move the dial on weight, in the right direction, and you are moving toward increased energy levels, stamina and focus for your daily activities, improved mood from endorphins, dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin which helps alleviate stress and reduce anxiety and depression.

This is a cycle of hormonal balance which regulates other hormones and testosterone, so, libido and your overall sex drive are other benefits.

With all this great stuff happening, your body changing shape, new habits and structure driving longevity, and sustainability. You're going to start feeling a boost to your confidence and self-esteem.   

In turn you socialise and build new connections, share stories and offer support to other men in their journey. Strange thing is, being willing to connect and share stories, and get some support is a sure-fire way of starting your weight loss effort.

So, my advice is start talking, start moving, start making better food choices, start portion control. start preparing for sleep and treat it as recovery.

Basic and simple? Yes.

Effective? Yes.

Proven? I know so.

Actionable? Yes, you can.

Repeatable? Absolutely.

My challenge to you.

Think of this like buying a property, often a key investment. The benefits are, living in a great place that is your own and that your family can enjoy.

But; most properties have a mortgage, and all properties need maintenance. You don't pay the mortgage; you lose a great place to live. You don't maintain the property; you live is a place that was once great. Simple.

So how are you investing in the one and only place you can live? Your body?

Then tell me:

What's one thing you can and will do today to start your journey to a better place?


Written by Donny Singe, Performance Coach. You can find out more or get in touch with Donny on his website

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1 comment

  • Well explained Donny, thank you for writing.

    Nick Bilbija

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