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The Old Bull Training Bag

The Old Bull Training Bag

Everyone talks about exercising, and you already know, as you age, staying active is critical. So, what do you need, how can you mix it up, and get motivated to exercise and stay fit? We asked Donny and Jem. Their Short, Sharp and Fit Podcast recording is at the end.

Who? Donny Singe has been a personal trainer for 30 years, and most recently was head of performance for the Manly Sea Eagles while Jem Bolt is a triathlete and an Ironman.

Why? Because there is so much noise and so many options out there. Just a practical list of things that may help move the dial when it comes to moving you.

What? 10 things you would want in your training bag, from the mundane to the expensive and why.

What is in the Old Bull health Training Bag?

Old Bull Training Bag (You read that right)

  1. Garmin or a similar smartwatch.
    Why: Motivation, a commitment, and the ability to measure progress as well as look like Dick Tracy reading texts off your watch. Links to Strava to help stay accountable to friends and family. They look cool and will show you are tech-savvy.
    Why not: Cost and actually learning how to set it up and use it.
    Recommended: Garmin Fenix range. Bulletproof, and great functionality.

  2. Protein
    Why: Muscle recovery & maintenance, satiety. Full of Amino Acids. 
    Recommended: Old Bull health Protein. Taste, no sugar, ease of mixing. Limited Stock.

  3. Skipping rope
    Why: Easy to carry, light, great for cardio and legs. Easy to use and build up, and into your daily routine. Skip for 3 mins in the morning and evening. It takes 3 mins and no set-up! Having a rope is generally handy in a crisis even if you not exercising with it. Easy to throw in a bag if you travel.
    Why not: Work into this or your calves can take a beating. Especially if you missed leg day when you were younger.
    Recommended: Leather rope and adjustable length for different heights and capabilities.

  4. Testosterone & Immunity Formula
    Why: Great mix of vitamins & minerals for athletes, supporting overall well-being and more. But of course, we would say that.
    Recommended: Testosterone & Immunity Formula by Old Bull Health.

  5. Tennis ball
    Why: Great movement and good for eye-hand coordination. Easy to use, many ways to entertain yourself. Use it with kids, or dogs as an added bonus. Cheap to free.
    Recommended: Ask for some old balls at the nearest tennis courts and prepare yourself for bad dad jokes.

  6. Running shoes
    Why: Help avoid injury, better comfort, motivation, and commitment.
    Why not: Cost, and you might have to go to the mall.
    Recommended: Hoka Clifton. Comfy and lots of cushioning.

  7. Water bottle
    Why: Supports hydration needs, and a constant reminder to drink.
    Recommended: Buy a bottle of water and reuse it. Or buy a fancy one or steal one from a mate. Just do it.

  8. Dumbbells
    Why: Resistance training, arms, chest, or hook in toes for sit-ups. Versatile. Build muscle and look better naked.
    Why not: Not that easy to travel with. If you drop them on your toe, it's not good.

  9. Exercise mat
    Why: Reminder to exercise, you can't miss it, comfort while exercising, motivation, makes you feel like a pro, avoids sweat on the floor and having to exercise with pet hair and whatever else you walked on before you came into the house.
    Recommended: Gorilla exercise mat (Size, comfort, durability)

  10. Pen & paper
    Why: Write down cool stuff, get rich ideas, chores and park them while you exercise. Helps maintain focus. No excuses.
    Why not: You sweat on the paper, and it becomes illegible.
    Recommended: This is not rocket science, it's a pen and paper.

That's all folks. Our top 10 in the Old Bull Training Bag. We are talking to some sponsors to see if they would support a competition to give away some Old Bull Training bags, but as you know, nothing it easy to organise and takes time. Watch this space.

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